Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tillandsia 'Nidus'

Tillandsia 'Nidus'
Tillandsia 'Nidus'

Tillandsia funckiana var recurvifolia

Tillandsia funckiana var recurvifolia

Tillandsia capitata 'orange' x streptophylla

Tillandsia capitata 'orange' x streptophylla
Tillandsia capitata 'orange' x streptophylla

Tillandsia capitata 'Silver Rose'

Tillandsia capitata 'Silver Rose'

Tillandsia capitata 'Silver Rose' 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tillandsia ionantha druid

Tillandsia ionantha druid (wet look)

A popular ionantha that will turned peach/yellow when its flowering. The flower are white instead of grape/purple color as most of others form.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Tillandsia andreana

Tillandsia albertiana x stricta

Tillandsia albertiana x stricta is a nice hybrid whereby its flower would be amazingly nice!!!!

Tillandsia aff capitata

Tillandsia aff capitata is small of capitata that will have orange to maroon color leaf. The plant clump easily...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tillandsia schiedeana minor

Tillandsia schiedeana minor

Tillandsia exserta x velutina

Tillandsia exserta x velutina

Tillandsia roland-gosselinii (was T. maritima)

Tillandsia roland-gosselinii (was T. maritima)

Tillandsia ionantha ‘Ron’

Tillandsia ionantha ‘Ron’

Tillandsia Curly Slim (T. intermedia X streptophylla)

Tillandsia Curly Slim (T. intermedia X streptophylla)

Tillandsia capitata maroon

I got this as T. capitata maroon. However, recently suspect is T. capitata red x jalisco

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Tillandsia ionantha albino

T. ionantha albino (didnt flower for few years), its type of druid that not easy to flower. From my observations, albino will not turn full yellow like druid when its flowering, however just partial of its leaf.

Tillandsia ionantha albino

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tillandsia ionantha 'Fat Boy'

Tillandsia ionantha 'Fat Boy'

Tillandsia ionantha 'Fat Boy'

Tillandsia ionantha 'Fat Boy'

Tillandsia ionantha 'Fat Boy'